Peglin Wiki
WARNING: Mod support is currently unofficial and thus may be broken!

Refer to the Discord server if you need help.

Mods (short for modifications) are community-made additions to the game that can be installed alongside it, and will alter the game's physics, map, enemies, encounters, etc.

Players can join the game's Discord server to access the modding channel. There is also a modding specific Discord server.

Mods can be downloaded on the Thunderstore hub.[]

The mod manager can be downloaded here.[]


Modding Guides[]

Mod Manager Guide[]

Manual Installation Guide[]

Video Tutorial (may be outdated)

1) Download BepInEx (direct link)

Be sure to download the x64 version of BepInEx! (for example,

2) Navigate to the game's install folder. The easiest way is to right-click it in Steam, then properties, then local files, then browse.

3) Copy the BepInEx folder, winhttp.dll, and all the other files from the zip you downloaded into your game folder.

4) Do a first run to generate the config files by launching the game, then closing it

4a) For more advanced users, you may configure BepInEx to suit your needs. This step is optional.

5) Take your mod file(s) and put them into the plugins folder, generated in the BepInEx folder (so it'd be Peglin\BepInEx\Plugins)

6) Run the game again and it should work.

If the above steps don't work properly, try asking the Discord server for help.

Make Your Own Mods[]

Currently, the only guide available is to ask in the #peglin-modding channel of the Discord and/or reverse engineer the code of other mods.
